Date: 10 - 14 February 2025

Chameleon workshop is a practical workshop to give the opportunity to the attendants to check their own samples and start familiarising with the machine.

This is a fully practical course to give attendants the opportunity to get to know what can be obtained using the Chameleon for cryo-EM sample preparation, how to use the machine and give it a go with their own samples. It is organised according to the schedule that you can find here.

The first day will be open to all applicants for a presentation and a demo from the Chameleon team. The following four days will be organised in personalised training/demo sessions. We will choose 8 samples from all applications and every day we will run 2 samples with groups of maximum 4 people (due to space restraints). If you are interested please read carefully this linked document.

Keywords: CryoEM, lab course

Venue: SciLifeLab Solna

City: Stockholm

Country: Sweden

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log