Date: 4 - 6 December 2024

The purpose of the course is to prepare and train cryoEM facility users in sample preparation methods, introduce users to the image data acquisition workflow, expand knowledge about cryoEM methods among researchers and show that everyone can learn how to use cryoEM for structural biology.

Course description

The course is open for facility users or potential facility users, such as PhD students, postdocs, and researchers within the life sciences who are curious and will profit from cryoEM skills. Swedish and international course participants are welcome. To attend, the course participants should be familiar with electron microscopy and structural biology.

This course is supported by SciLifeLab, CryoNET and Umeå University and organized by the Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy (UCEM).

Application deadline

Application should be submitted before November 1st, 2024
Link to application

Course content

This course will cover practical aspects of cryoEM sample preparation and data acquisition.

The following topics will be covered:
- Overview of cryoEM methods
- Microscope design and electron optics
- Sample preparation
- Data collection for single particle analysis (SPA)
- Introduction to SPA image processing

The course consists of lectures, cryo lab work, demonstrations and practical exercises for all participants, hands-on experiences of microscopy operation and discussions. A detailed schedule will be provided to accepted participants.

Entry requirements

Priority will be given to researchers involved in a project where the use of cryo-EM is needed, which are to be briefly described upon application.

The course is suitable for researchers in the life sciences with a master’s or PhD degree, including graduate students, postdocs and staff scientists.

A maximum of 18 participants will be admitted. Please provide a clear description of your research project and motivation for attending the course.


Participation in all parts of the course, lectures, lab, microscopy demonstrations and evaluation are mandatory. Upon completion, SciLifeLab and Umeå University will provide a course certificate and a recommendation for 1 ECTS.

Contact: Course Organizers: Sara Sandin & Tanvir Shaikh Course Instructors: Linda Sandblad, Sara Sandin, Tanvir Shaikh, Lars-Anders Carlson, Erin Schexnaydre, Johan Unge Additional teachers t.b.a

Keywords: CryoEM, microscopy, lab course

Venue: KBC Building, Linneaus Väg 6

City: Umeå

Country: Sweden

Host institutions: UCEM

Target audience: researchers, PhD Students, postdocs, staff scientists

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log