Date: 24 - 28 June 2024

ESPIDAM is a Wallenberg summer program for PhD students, Post Docs, Public Health scientists and others interested, also supported by Stockholm University, Stockholm Mathematics Centre and ESMTB.

ESPIDAM 2024 consists of 6 course modules, 3 modules the first half of the week and 3 modules the second half of the week. Each course has two instructors and 15 hours of class (lectures, tutorials, problem solving, computer exercises, …). It is only possible to follow one course each half week. Participants are encouraged to attend one course the first half-week and one course the second half-week, but it is possible to only attend one course either of the two half-weeks. The structure of ESPIDAM is inspired by a bigger initiative in US denoted SISMID. Even if inspired most courses are different and we warmly recommend participants to attend both summer institutes.

Beside courses there will be a poster session and reception each half week, and each day there will be lunch as well as morning & afternoon coffee/tea breaks thus giving ample time for networking and socializing. We aim for 20-40 students in each module and hence expect 70-90 participants and 6 senior instructors both half weeks.

This is the first ESPIDAM but we hope to make it a yearly European event.


June 24-26

  • Stochastic epidemic models with inference: Tom Britton and Lorenzo Pellis
  • Modelling and AI for infectious disease control: Niel Hens and Pieter Libin
  • Nowcasting and forecasting infectious disease dynamics: Sebastian Funk, Sam Abbott and Katharine Sheratt

June 26-28

  • Infectious disease data analysis: Simon Cauchemez and Marc Baguelin
  • Pathogen evolution, genomic epidemiology, & phylodynamics: Erik Volz and Nicola De Maio
  • Networks and contact patterns in infectious disease models: Mirjam Kretzschmar and Vittoria Colizza

Cost basis

Registration fee for PhD students and Post Docs: Each course module costs 2200 Sek plus 550 Sek VAT (approximately €200 plus €50 VAT), so attending two course modules costs 4400 Sek + 1100 Sek VAT (approximately €400 + €100).

Registration fee for other participants: 50% more, so 3300 Sek per module (plus 825 Sek VAT).

What is covered: lectures and course material, 3 lunches, 5 coffee breaks, one reception
What is not covered: travel and local transport, accommodation, other meals, insurance, …


Venue: Campus Albano, Stockholm University

City: Stockholm

Country: Sweden


It is expected that course participants have basic knowledge of statistics and mathematics and rudimentary knowledge of infectious disease epidemiology. It is also expected that participants have basic computer software knowledge, and preferably is familiar with the software R. A few courses have additional pre-requisites listed on its descriptive page.

Learning objectives:

See individual course pages for objectives of individual models at:

Host institutions: Stockholm University, University of Manchester

Target audience: PhD Students, postdocs, Public Health scientists

Event types:

  • Workshops and courses

Activity log