Training Material made FAIR by Design
Date: 18 - 19 September 2024
This 2 day course is based on the FAIR training handbook and 10 simple rules to make material FAIR publication. All sessions are structured in a way that complement each other aiming to introduce participants with a theoretical & hands-on approach of how to design FAIR training material.
Activities are intended to increase the technical skills and critical thinking during the development of a new training course. From A to Z participants are going to be challenged to work in a group to build a FAIR lesson on a topic to be presented at the end of the course. Come inspired!
Please see the course website, which will be updated regularly, for more information:
Sessions to be covered over the 2 days (Note: sessions and content might be slightly changed)
Topics covered will include:
FAIR vs OPEN training material
Training material documentation and reproducibility
(ontology, Learning Outcomes,etc)
Illustrations, keeping it FAIR
E-learning and videos, challenges and solutions to keep it FAIR
Unique identifiers and version control
Important Dates
Application open: 11-April-2024
Application closes: 23-August-2024
Confirmation to applicants 30-August-2024
The course is highly interactive and hence it is important that you, as a participant, actively contribute to all sessions and elements of the course.
Participants need to bring a laptop.
There are no fees for this course.
All are welcome! Particularly interesting for trainers and instructors that design-develop-deliver short-format training.
Keywords: FAIR, bioinformatics
Venue: SciLifeLab Uppsala, Navet BMC, Husaregatan 3
City: Uppsala
Country: Sweden
The following is a list of skills required for being able to follow the course and complete the exercises:
- Familiarity with GitHub
If not, we advise you to have a look at the GitHub Skills pages and/or Github courses in in order to acquire the following:
Basic knowledge: To be able to make commits, create branches and issues, make pull requests.
Desirable, but not essential, skills increasing the output of the course, include:Pre-reading the FAIR Training Handbook
Pre-reading 10 simple rules to make material FAIR publication
Learning objectives:
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- create FAIR and open training material from the start
- apply FAIR principles to all elements of training material
- use AI tools in content creation of FAIR training material
Target audience: everyone, instructors, researchers
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Activity log