New Super-Resolution, Light-Sheet, and FCS-Methods at Scilifelab
Date: 14 - 25 October 2024
The Advanced Light Microscopy Facility, ALM, at Scilifelab gives a two-week PhD-level course on four new imaging and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques:
Depletion-based Super-Resolution Imaging
STED-imaging, 2D and 3D, 30-50 nm resolution
In Living Cells – MoNaLISA, 1-2 Hz, 100 x 100 mm field of view
Imaging with 3 nm resolution
Tracking single molecules at 10 kHz
Light-Sheet Imaging
Long time-lapse imaging of live model organisms with low phototoxicity
Ultrafast volumetric imaging of cells with lattice light-sheet microscopy
Measurements of concentrations, diffusion coefficients, molecular dynamics and interactions, in solution or living cells
Cross-correlation, FRET-, STED-, and line-scan-FCS are covered
Steven Edwards
Erdinc Sezgin
Ana Agostinho
Francesca Pennacchietti
Hans Blom
Stefan Wennmalm
3 hp for PhD students
Location: Gamma 3, Scilifelab, Solna
Registration latest September 30th
Keywords: microscopy, imaging, super-resolution
Venue: SciLifeLab Solna
City: Solna
Country: Sweden
Target audience: PhD Students
Event types:
- Workshops and courses
Activity log